Welcome to Sakyoto. My restaurant project I designed for my Branding class in Fall 2024. It is a Japanese-theme restaurant made to create to show the culture and tradition of Japan.


For my inspiration for creating this brand was my desire to go to Japan. For a long time ago, I always wanted to go to Japan when I was young but I never got the chance because international travels were very expensive. I seen many photos and videos about the culture and life in Japan. It is an amazing country where many people work hard and keep their old traditions alive.


The title, Sakyoto is a combination of the two Japanese words Sakura and Kyoto. For the logo designs, I created various different types of logos but I chose to design the logo with a ate with a red circle that represents the Japan’s flag. The design of the gate is a silhouette of it with two sake bottles acting as stilts and a symbol of a sakura flower placed on each of them. The first one has the kanji name, Sakyoto.


My pattern designs are base on the Japanese patterns. I worked very hard to create the patterns and make almost similar to the ones in Japanese culture. The one on the left was the first design of the patterns I used a lot, but I soon changed it to the second one as it seems more custom to Japanese or Chinese style.

Before making my restaurant, I made a style tile to see which colors, fonts, and pattern design would I use for Sakyoto. For the colors I chose the two different shades of red for my patterns. The dark gray was for the background color of the deliverable products. The black was use for my logo color.

The 3 fonts were my personal choices but I selected Superclaredon for the name cover and kefa for the text on the menu.

The images show the type of pattern design for my project. The sakura symbol was used as part of my logo design while the other three were used for my patterns.